Thursday, 28 July 2016

Expert tips to acute hair loss

More than 30 percent of women experience hair thinning. The earlier signs of thinning are a smaller pony tail and scalp peaking through. Thick hair is associated with youth which in turn makes thin hair unacceptable among women. There are many ways by which you can slow down hair loss and revert it without visiting hair Transplant in Abu Dhabi.

Beauty nutrients

Our hair plays a key role in our appearance. It is important to take care of your mane from inside out. Protein is vital for the health of your hair. Make sure to intake a sufficient amount of protein on daily basis. Avoid crazy and excessive dieting. Make sure to drink loads of water and eat plenty of fruits and veggies. Chicken, turkey, fish, meat, tuna, eggs, beans are super foods for your hair.
Stress management
Stress can kill you. It is bad for your health and your hair. It is one of the most common causes of hair fall in women.  Constant stress can make your cortisone levels spike up which can lead to increased shedding of hair. You can try counseling, meditation, exercise and a regular sleep schedule to help with stress control.
Care for your scalp
Scalp supply food to your hair strands. Achieving healthy hair is only possible if you start with a healthy scalp. Show you scalp a little TLC and you hair will thank you. Keep your scalp hydrated, nourished and healthy by eating super foods like almonds, raspberries and walnuts. Make sure to drink enough water to keep your scalp hydrated. Use gentle shampoo and conditioners.
Biotin supplements
Biotin supplements can work wonders for your hair. If taken regularly, they are so effective that you will doubt that you have undergone extravagant treatment from hair Transplant in Abu Dhabi. Biotin is also known as vitamin H and is a family of B complex vitamins. It will not only improve your hair but your skin and nails also.
Hormonal levels
Get your hormonal levels checked. Hormonal imbalance can also lead to hair loss in women. Usually it occurs as a result of birth control pills, pregnancy or any medications. Only after you get your hormonal levels checked, doctor can help you manage hormonal levels which will in return treat hair fall.
Get a new cut/hair style
Playing around with a new hair style can mask thinning hair. Although it won’t help your hair become fuller, but it can certainly feel fuller and thicker. Talk to your stylist or hair dresser to give you a cut that will add more movement and body to your hair. A little trim, shifting up you part, soft highlights will add more freshness and dimension to your look.  
Cut back on hot tools

You have heard it before and you will hear it again. Do not use heat on your hair. I know that in this day and age you simply cannot get away without using heat. But try to limit its use. Limit it to about once a week at most. When using heat, ensure to use some sort of heat protectant on your hair. Learn some heatless hair styles based on natural hair texture and rock them.

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  1. Very nice blog and Thanks for describing useful information about effective solution for hair loss.
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